venerdì 29 giugno 2007

Parotting myndsweep and eilanwhiteswan

You're an African grey. You are smart talkative andin your own way very pretty. What parrot are you? brought to you by Quizilla

5 commenti:

floweryflamingo ha detto...

:) we're both greys! :)

price0fpassion3554 ha detto...

Sqwawk!I knew we'd find something in common...eventually ;)

exp9singtheleft8o ha detto...

LOL asshat. I think you need to be at MM on Friday.

auddpnn ha detto...

I don't think MM is gonna happen, prior commitment for the Elements of Magic class.

ptrayibestiphotosyahoocom ha detto...

I think that you can do both. Come to MM after your Elements of Magic class...