mercoledì 20 giugno 2007

(scots) gaelic & swahili

What do Scots Gaelic and Swahili have in common?

At least one thing: I'm interested in learning both. Anyone know a fluent speaker of either? I pick up languages very quickly (call me 'audio-eidetic'), but I really need in-person interaction to do it.

Anybody know someone?

3 commenti:

suspensionlab5250yahoocom ha detto...

Yep, I know both of those, plus 27 other languages..Not.But I do know pig-latin, if you'd like to learn that one. I also know gibberish!

futebolmesosdoro59 ha detto...

I would REALLY like to learn Gaelic as well. Once, about 4 years ago I somehow got in contact with a woman who taught at "The?" International School. She seemed reluctant to give private lessons, but said she charged $40 a lesson (can't remember the specifics, or her name for that matter)Seems to me I got her name from some list of teachers. Try a Google search on Gaelic Instructors .. or something like that. Or maybe search for "International School"s in Atlanta?

penhcoyhdiai ha detto...

There's always a need for a gibberish translator. I run into folks speaking gibberish all the time!Are you available for hire?