venerdì 29 giugno 2007

The Ultimate Rush

I went to a nifty beachside attraction in Biloxi last week called The Ultimate Rush. So, this thing is like a cross between a bungee jump and a swing. There are three tower structures, two of which are parallel and the third is set back behind and between the others.You get strapped into a harness, then suspended horizontally (face down) from a set of cords attached to the two parallel towers. Then they slowly reel you 110 feet up to the top of the third tower. When they give the word using a bullhorn, you pull your own ripcord and it lets you go. You swing down to within about 10 feet of the ground and then out over the beach. You end up swinging back and forth this way 6-8 times until you run out of momentum. The freefall at the start, and then at the apex of each swing was the real kicker for me.It was an absolute blast! I highly recommend doing this if you ever see one. Anyone else ever done this?

8 commenti:

crazymiadnkwort63 ha detto...

They have one at Six Flags. I have not done it, as I am extremely afraid of heights. It looks fun though!

yeeuk14 ha detto...

Now listing that under things that would probably make me cry..... sounds good in theory, but oh my gods the terror...

mnbhsb ha detto...

You do rollercoasters, but not this? It did feel pretty exposed, compared to a coaster, I suppose.I actually did the thing twice (second one was 1/2 price and I was already strapped in). My face was flushed and I was zinging from the adrenaline for hours afterward, even after several beers.

falocauk7458 ha detto...

The adrenline rush may be great, but the fear of falling may be deadly. I would probably do it, but it would have be with someone, that is how i handle rollercoasters. You get to die with someone.

detlev409 ha detto...

Ooohhh.. sounds fun.. Done bungee jumping and liked it. This sounds cool:).

cantoecooogicl63 ha detto...

I've never bungee jumped, but the Ultimate Rush WAS quite fun.For hours afterwards I was flushed and zinging on adrenaline. Have you ever seen the movie, Galaxy Quest? Well, I looked just like the crew did after their first experience zooming from Earth in that intergalactic ooze transport...

petraotoflivoyahoocom ha detto...

You know, it isn't the fall that gets you, its the sudden stop.

thosesmiles1941 ha detto...

True. But if you are not in high places to begin with then the sudden stop is a lot less likely to happen. Although I did ride The Millenium Force twice and didnt cry.... much.